June 29, 2016

It’s been hard to keep up with the updates. Things are actually moving along rather well. The raised beds are working great, but so is the early hot weather. The peppers are happy. The only real challenge has been water. I think I need to move to an irrigation system next year. That will cut down on work and on water.

Anyway, here’s a shot of the garden tonight. Things are coming along very nicely.
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The tires are filling in. I’ve got tons of peppers on the plants and they are really doing well.
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The rectangle raised bed is doing great as well. There are a lot of baccatuums in there.
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Including these bishop’s crowns

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Some non-peppers
Pink Champagne Currants – wonderful taste and beautiful berries
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We had a stupid raccoon kill two of the four of our chickens, so I got some baby chicks to replace them. Here is one of them with my younger daughter.
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And that’s what I have for tonight!

June 6 2016

I think I finally have everything I want to grow this year in the ground. It’s been a lot of time planting. Here’s a shot of the raised beds where you can see how the peppers are doing. The barrel has comfrey and water and is making a comfrey tea for fertilizer. I’ll be able to use that in about three weeks.
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Here is a look down a row that’s in the long bed with wood sides:

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The plants are doing well. They are adjusting. Some of the bigger leaves they develop inside are being beaten up and shed, but smaller ones are taking their place. Usually when this happens the new growth comes in more dense than before.
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Here is a jalapeno
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And this one is a Pineapple Rocoto from one of the over wintered plants. It’s just about time to pick it.

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I think this one is a Bahamian Goat:
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Here are two of the Scotch Bonnet Black River plants – I’m excited to see how they will turn out.
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Here is the little chicken tractor. We’ve got 4 Isa Browns in here. There is a laying box about halfway back and we get 3 to 4 eggs a day. It has worked great.
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Here’s Asa and one of the chickens. They are patient birds.

Finally, here is a shot of the front yard. It’s filling in nicely.
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Alright, thanks for stopping by!