Memorial Day update

Here’s an update and a few pictures of the progress around the parsonage. Lots of stuff growing from the peppers to the perennials…

Here is a shot of the front yard almost exactly two years ago right before we moved in:
2014 05 29_0132

And today:
2016 05 30_4571

That’s 6 fruit trees, 4 currants, 5 blueberries, 3 honeyberries, 3 gooseberries, 3 hardy kiwi vines, several perennial flowers and herbs, wild and domestic strawberries, service berries, nannyberries, highbush cranberries, hazlenuts, comfrey, an autumn olive, gogi berries, goumi berries, Josta berry, and a few other things. When it fills in, it should be awesome.

Here is one of the honeyberries – it’s the first that I’ve ever seen. These are a bit sour yet, so I think they need to ripen a bit more.

2016 05 30_4574

Here is some Wood anenome
2016 05 30_4573

The bees are loving the comfrey:
2016 05 30_4590

I’m growing hops on one side of the house and it’s really established this year.
2016 05 30_4578

I’ve stuck a couple pepper plants in the front yard in order to isolate them for seed stock. Here is the “Big Black Mama”2016 05 30_4572

Here is a Bhut Orange Copenhagen – I really like this pepper and need a pure seedstock to continue growing it.
2016 05 30_4577

I also want to save seed from my galapgoense, so I have it isolated in a pot over by the hops. It got a late start, but I hope it will catch up.

2016 05 30_4579

The tires and black covers put out a lot of heat and the plants are adjusting ok. I had to give them a bit of water. You can tell they look beat up by the wind and heat, but I think they’ll adjust. When they are big enough that their green covers the top of the tire, it will cool down the surface a bit and they’ll be ok.
2016 05 30_4581

Here you can see the plants I overwintered. They are doing well. I even have some Pineapple Rocoto pods coming!2016 05 30_4582

2016 05 30_4585

I also put some tomatoes in. I put four of them in car tire raised beds:
2016 05 30_4586

Finally, just a quick shot of the mulch pile I have after the tree service removed those trees:
2016 05 30_4591

Thanks for stopping by!

Dirt Day

There’s been a ton of work put into the garden this year. With the help of the Hargers, I’ve got some raised beds I am trying out. I’ll take you bit by bit through it.

First, we got the tires.
2016 05 09_4435

They needed to have the top rims cut back and then filled with fill dirt, manure, and compost.
2016 05 23_4399

I then put the black plastic mulch cover over them, cut holes in, and planted the peppers.

2016 05 27_4391

2016 05 27_4393

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Here is a close up of a Scotch Bonnet Peach from Trident Chili – with a pod already growing!

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The final item is that we just had a large maple cut down. It was dying in the center, dropping large branches, and blocking the sun from the garden area. It was huge. And I got tons of mulch from it!
2016 05 27_4396

Alright, that’s what I’ve got for tonight. Hopefully they take off in growth. Thanks for stopping by!

The 2016 Pepper Draft

The 2016 Pepper Draft was a success! We had 10 different people/couples drafting from over 200 pepper plants plus a few surprises. Here are the plants all set up:
2016 05 01_4491
2016 05 01_4492
2016 05 01_4493

Elijah draws the ping pong balls with the names for draft order

2016 05 01_4499

Things getting serious…
2016 05 01_4501

Ben and Toni with the first pick this year

2016 05 01_4502

I didn’t get many pictures this year, so I’m missing the food and fellowship that all occurred.

It was a lot of fun – thanks to everyone who participated!