Podcast update and some links

This week we had a guest speaker at Carson City UMC – Tammy McDonald from “Saved by God’s Grace” ministries.  Tammy gave her testimony on how she and her husband, Chuck, were called into missionary work in Kenya to care for orphans and build a church.  Tammy’s testimony was amazing and it was striking to hear her humanity in the midst of God’s calling.  Tammy and Chuck had retirement dreams of building up a nest egg and traveling the country together.  They were not a couple who refrained from giving.  They were generous.  But God had more in mind for them, and that “more” involved Kenya.  Read more about the McDonald’s on their website here.

While we are not all called into missionary work on another continent, we are all called to be ministers of Jesus Christ.  I think it’s tempting to hear the story of a couple sacrificing so courageously and look on almost voyeuristicly and think, “I’m glad God called them and not me.”  The challenging thing though, is that Jesus didn’t call people to go halfway or to be comfortable.  As I listened to Tammy, I was reminded of how I chose to give up some things to follow God’s call into ministry – and that as I”ve gotten established in my career, it is tempting to try to pick up some control of my life, finances, and future.  Can I be abandoned to the grace and calling of God?  That is the sort of challenging question that Jesus leads us to.  I thank Tammy for sharing with us what it looks like to be a people of the resurrection.

Last week I put up a post about the passing of Michael Spencer.  I wanted to post a few links to some of his work I’ve enjoyed.  I first found his website as I was seeking some information on Joel Osteen – and this sort of post on Osteen put voice to some of the concerns I had myself.

Michael was a great apologist who wrote and spoke on a level that people could easily understand.  Here is his post on the 10 reasons he is a Christian – and I have to point out his website for Coffeecup apologetics, one of my favorite podcasts and a very helpful resource for helping people communicate the faith.

Finally, I greatly appreciated Michael’s gospel centered, Christ focused take on Christianity, which for some odd reason stands out as very different in American Christianity, when it should define the faith.  Here is his final post on the final apologetic and another post on Christless preaching.  These posts should give you a clue as to why so many people found him a helpful voice.

If you would like to read more, there is good news – Michael’s book is soon to be published.  I plan on ordering a copy.  I’ll link it below.

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