Lenten Journey – Day 24

I really meant to journal more than this through the fasting process, but it’s been very busy for me lately and this has fallen off.  I do want to write about a couple of different things, so hopefully I can get another post or two up in the next few days.  Today I briefly want to cover the physical aspects of this fast.  I have eaten 3 days out of the last 24, which really sounds crazy, but it’s different than it sounds.  There are still times when hunger is an issue, but not as often as you would think.  I still miss eating, but I’m also used to not eating.  In fact, right now not eating feels normal.  This week, on the day I ate, I could’ve gone without it (but when I get a chance to eat I know I should).  My tastes are changing somewhat.  I had a salad and that tasted wonderful.  Popcorn, which I usually love, just tasted ok.  I write all of this to say that this sort of fast is not the huge battle against hunger that you would think it is.  I’m not sure I could continue if every day were like the second day of my fast – that was the hardest day so far by far.

There are challenges though.  In my job I do not burn a ton of calories.  If I did, I don’t think the fast would be possible.  This past weekend was very busy, and for the first time I got a little worried and thought I might have to eat.  I was getting light headed and drinking juice wasn’t helping.  I finally broke down and bought a half gallon of chocolate milk, and that did the trick.  I guess I needed the calories and the protein.  I can only imagine going on a straight water fast – you must be really limited as to what you can do.  As far as my own fast, I have noticed that by Friday I do drag a bit, especially after a busy week.  There have been positive physical effects as well.  I don’t have that heavy, weighed down feeling after eating a heavy meal.  The weight I’ve dropped feels good, although I’m a little under what would probably be a good weight for me.

These are the physical effects thus far, but you should realize that the physical part is not the part that has made the majority impact on me so far.  It’s the emotional and spiritual effects that are more prevalent.  The physical stuff isn’t the battle you would think – it’s not as hard as you would think once you reach a certain point.  I want to be clear on that so folks aren’t struck by an “achievement.”  However, the spiritual side (especially prayer) that has been opened up for me has been great and surprising.  I suspect I’ll gain most, if not all, of my weight back.  I hope that my prayer life will be changed forever.

2 Replies to “Lenten Journey – Day 24”

  1. thanks for sharing Andy. I noticed your robe seems a little big for you now. I’m thankful that you have been so faithful and the leadership of our faith community needs that type of commitment…the kind that really is a sacrifice.

    My own fast has really changed my metabolism. I don’t eat as much and actually seem to get more energy from the food I do eat. I don’t feel like napping after a meal (and can’t anyway) and I’ve found that I need less sleep and often wake up an hour before I have to get up. I’ve been using this time for prayer and that has been such a blessing. I’ve been fasting from everything that has to be killed (animal, fish, fowl) or any part thereof. I’ve been eating mostly beans, rice, cheese, and sweet potatoes (raw for lunch with a banana if I have it). I’ve lost no weight even though I often only eat two tortillas (with beans and rice and cheese about the normal size of a Taco Bell soft taco) and a raw sweet potato all day! I have found that on the Sabbath, when I allow myself a little meat, I really do want the beans and rice instead! I will probably continue with the same diet supplemented with fresh fruits and veggies in season. My heart and mind seem a little clearer and needing less sleep and having more energy is a VERY nice side affect. Peace.

  2. Thanks for sharing Sam. It is strange how the metabolism changes. Weight loss after the first week and a half has gone really slow. It’s strange to go a day without eating and lose no weight, but I guess it is just the body adjusting to the new calorie intake. I hope it doesn’t mess me up too much when I begin to eat once more.
    I’m pleased to hear about your fasting. In fact, I’ve heard from several people in the congregation who are fasting in one form or another, and it’s so encouraging hear. I pray that God meets us in a powerful way this Easter and that we experience the resurrection of Christ in a life changing way.

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