Podcast: Aching for Presence – In the Wilderness

adventpodWe continue our Advent journey with the sermon series, ‘Aching for Presence,’ about aching for the presence of God. This message is from the second Sunday of Advent using the scripture of Isaiah 40:1-11. This scripture tells of God coming into the wilderness.

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Podcast: Aching for Presence – Come Down

adventpodWe are now into Advent!  This message is from the first Sunday of Advent using the scripture of Isaiah 64:1-9.  It is a plea for God to come and appear.  It is important in Advent for us to foster a hunger for the presence of God.

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Advent readings with children

I’ve tried to stress Advent season for our church this year, which may be a new thing for some folks. One question that may come up is how to observe this as a family – and with that, how do you include children?

One thing we have done this year is to use one of my favorite children’s books, “The Jesus Storybook Bible” at bedtime. I begin by asking the kids what season we are in, and then asking what we do during Advent. The answer, by the way, is that we prepare and watch for Jesus. Then we read a story from the Jesus storybook bible.

Anne found a great little resource to help with this on the blog of Adriel Booker, where she lays out a schedule matching a reading from the Jesus Storybook Bible with each day in December leading up to Christmas. She even has a pdf file you can open and print out (as we did).

If you have young children, or even if you don’t, the Jesus Storybook Bible is a terrific resource. It intentionally shows how the stories of scripture point towards Christ. The subtitle of the book is “Every story whispers his name,” and the power of this particular storybook bible is that it does this in a powerful way. This easily leads to a few simple questions you can have with your children in order to both teach and anticipate together the coming of Christ.

Podcast: Promise of Redemption

adventpod2013This week we continue our Advent sermon series. Advent is a time of preparation and anticipation. We are anticipating the coming of Christ. Again, we are focusing on the promises of God found in Isaiah. This week’s message comes from Isaiah 35:1-10. The promise of redemption is a powerful one in the Christian faith.  What if God really redeems?

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Podcast: Promise of the Knowledge of the Lord

adventpod2013This week we continue our Advent sermon series. Advent is a time of preparation and anticipation. We are anticipating the coming of Christ. Again, we are focusing on the promises of God found in Isaiah. This week’s message comes from Isaiah 11:1-10. In it we hear that the earth will be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.

The Jesus Storybook Bible I reference throughout the message is here:

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Podcast: Promise of Peace

adventpod2013This week we begin our Advent sermon series. Advent is a time of preparation and anticipation. We are anticipating the coming of Christ. To help us do that this year, we are focusing on the promises of God found in Isaiah. This week’s message comes from Isaiah 2:1-5. God promises peace through Isaiah. What does it mean for us as God’s people to live in that promise now, even in the midst of darkness and brokenness?

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