Was the tomb empty?

The news this week will be full of stories about the upcoming documentary about the discovery of the tomb and bones box of Jesus and his family. This is, of course central to our faith so I just wanted to put up a post with some links to resources in regards to this story. I want to point out myself something that should make you take this new information in with some hesitancy. This tomb and the 10 bone boxes were discovered in the 80’s and a BBC documentary aired in Britain over a decade ago. The information then was criticized not only by clergy, but also by archeologists. Since the DaVinci Code there is a popular trend to undermine Christianity for a lot of money. So, keep in mind how carefully orchestrated these press releases have been, and how they coincide with the release of a book and a documentary to be aired this Sunday. There is money to be made. In the “documentary” the Israeli archeologist that oversaw the project thought the claims were a stretch and he was not included in the film. Along with that there are many other problems that these links will point out.

I hope these help to answer any questions you have.

Associated Press article, Dr. Witherington’s blog post, Jerusalem post, A good article by a Christian apologist