Monthly Archives: September 2015

This is the third class for the Revelation Bible study. For this class we went over the letters to the 7 churches in chapters 2 and 3. The bumper music is “No Matter How You See It” by Fuse used under a creative commons license. Subscribe to the podcast on […]

Podcast: Class 3

“Grant that I, Lord, may not be anxious about earthly things, but love things heavenly; and even now, while I am placed among things that are passing away, hold fast to those that shall endure; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, […]

True Riches

This is the first class for the Revelation Bible study. I handed out materials and covered some introductory thoughts about images and visions and the book of Revelation. The bumper music is “No Matter How You See It” by Fuse used under a creative commons license. Subscribe to the podcast […]

Podcast: Class 1

It seems that the most common understanding of the book of Revelation on the popular level in the United States is a dispensational reading.  This is the understanding of Revelation portrayed in the popular book series “Left Behind,” or the movie of the same name.  It is the understanding taught […]

It meant something to them…