Station #13 – Jesus is taken down from the cross

Jesus is taken down from the cross
Jesus is taken down from the cross

What tender mourning!  Jesus’ lifeless body lays in his mother’s arms.  He has truly died.  A profound sacrifice, complete.
We adore you, O Christ, and we bless you.
Because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world.

I behold this scene at the foot of the cross.  I contemplate touching, caressing his body.  I remember all his hands have touched, all who have been blessed by his warm embrace.  I pause to let it soak in.  He knows the mystery of death.  He has fallen into God’s hands.  For me.  That I might love as I have been loved.  I pour out my heart to the God of all mercies.


O Lord Jesus, your lifeless body, mangled and lacerated, found a worthy resting-place on the bosom of your Mother. I ask you now to dwell in my heart, full of sin and impurity as it is.  Create in me a new heart, that I may worthily receive your most sacred body in Holy Communion, and that your would remain in me and I in you for all eternity.  Jesus remember me when you come into your kingdom.


<<Station #12——————————- Station #14>>