Station #11 – Jesus is nailed to the cross

Jesus is nailed to the cross
Jesus is nailed to the cross

Huge nails are hammered through his hands and feet to fix him on the cross.  He is bleeding much more seriously now.  As the cross is lifted up, the weight of his life hangs on those nails.  Every time he struggles to pull himself up to breathe, his ability to cling to life slips away.

We adore you, O Christ, and we bless you.

Because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world.

I make myself watch the nails being driven through his flesh.  And I watch his face.  I contemplate the completeness of his entry into our lives.  Can there be any pain or agony he would not understand?  This is for me.  Nailed to a cross to forever proclaim liberty to captives.  What sorrow and gratitude fill my heart!


My God, my God, I have forsaken you.  I have fled from the crosses you have asked me to bear.  O Jesus, gracious Lamb of God, you did not flee from your cross.  Help me to turn to you.  Crucify, O Lord, my flesh and its powerful desires; scourge, scathe, and punish me in this world, do but spare me in the next. I commit my destiny to you, resigning myself to your holy will: may it be done in all things!  Jesus remember me when you come into your kingdom.


<<Station #10——————————- Station #12>>