The poem: A Terrible Prayer

I thought I’d post the poem that I shared with everyone on Sunday. I’ll link the book at the bottom. It’s a pretty neat book, a collection of thoughts about and writings on prayer that are what you would probably expect from a book titled, “Ragamuffin Prayers.”

What have your prayer journeys been like?

“A Terrible Prayer” by Mike Yaconelli
I have always been terrible at praying.
I forget.
My mind wanders.
I fall asleep.
I don’t pray enough.
I don’t understand what prayer is
or what prayer does.

If prayer were a school…
I would flunk praying.

But prayer isn’t school.
It is a mystery.

Maybe the mystery is…
Jesus loves terrible prayers.

When I can’t think of anything to say, He says what I can’t say.
When I talk too much, He cherishes my too many words.
When I fall asleep, He holds me in His lap and caresses my weary soul.
When I am overwhelmed with guilt at my inconsistent, inadequate praying
He whispers, “Your name is always on my lips.”
I am filled with gratitude, my soul overflows with thankfulness and I…
I… find myself saying over and over again, “Thank you.”
Praying the mystery.

2 Replies to “The poem: A Terrible Prayer”

  1. After reading this Poem, I had to order it. The poem seems to fit so many of us that pray and wonder: “was that okay with God?” Thank you for sharing, and posting the amazon link, for $.14 hey best deal of the day for contents of this book.

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